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Your personal Asana dashboard.

A companion app to bring you focus and calm. Stop being overwhelmed by asana tasks.
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"There are too many tasks on my Asana!"

Agreed! Everyone has too much to do. What matters in life is how you respond to that, and how you plan, daily.

Focus on the task at hand

Hide away all the future tasks, features you don't need daily, and everything else, so you can focus on today's work.

Planning kills Task Overload

Your dashboard helps you prevent task overload early, and makes it easier to plan accurately like a winner, instead of over-ambitious planning that disappoints.

Minimal, Clean, Fast

Our app is the "doing mode" dashboard that asana needs. Built for speed, and clear of UI clutter, you'll focus on the work, not on the tools used for work.

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Start using Asana with focus, daily.

Stop flapping, and start sticking to your plans.
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Unlimited free beta open now.

What makes AsanaDaily unique?

Asana is a fantastic platform, but it solves everything for everyone. We instead need a laser-focused tool, built just for our own needs: AsanaDaily is designed to speed up your work habit loop, so you can actually get done what you planned to, daily.

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Web design fundamentals in your language.

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The Ever-changing Web

We've come a long way from tables and glossy button effects. We'll show you how to pick up on emerging design trends to keep you ahead of the curve.

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Designing In Photoshop 101

Learn how to establish baseline grids and assemble basic wireframes before delving deeper into visual design in the industry's favourite pixel pusher. 

Is the course time-limited?

No, you can learn at your own pace and you will have full access to the course material indefinitely. We add new content weekly so there's always something to come back for!

Is the course IE7 compatible?

It looks like you're using an outdated browser. To make the most of what the internet has to offer in 2015, we suggest you update to a modern browser capable of parsing HTML5 and CSS3.

Do I need a Macbook?

No, but it helps! Studies have shown that the most appealing stock photography always features Apple's sleek, aluminium computers. You will also get extra street cred. for using a Macbook in a cafe.

Can I download the course material in PDF?

No need - you can access the course content at any time from any device using our online learning hub. Pages can be saved to your device for offline reading in browser storage.

Still have questions? Tweet @mrareweb for answers

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Endorsed by the best.

Many past students have gone on to work in high-profile web companies.
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